Monday, May 23, 2011



Bogor Botanical Gardens is located in the town of Bogor, West Java province. Bogor Botanical Gardens is a very popular tourist place and has existed since long time ago. Botanical Garden has been there since the days of empire Siliwangi, but began to be built like current conditions, namely when Indonesia was colonized by the British in the early 1800's. At that time the British governor general of Indonesia's ruling was Thomas Stamford Raffles. He has a great interest and stay in the presidential palace in Bogor, and turn the courtyard into a beautiful garden. This is the beginning of the Bogor Botanical garden forms.
Bogor Palace
 Several types of carrion flower
Collection of trees in Bogor botanical gardens have more than 17,000 species of orchids including the rare-orchid and plants. Each plant is labeled collection until we can find out the name and origin of plants. Many collections of plants over the age of 100 years with tens of meters in height and trunk diameter of more than 50 cm.
 Large trees in Bogor botanical garden
With an area of ​​87 hectares and a shady trees and high and thousands, then the botanical gardens in Bogor into the lungs and the remedy, the city of Bogor. Also in Bogor botanical gardens there are beautiful ponds with lotus flowers and fountains and a vast playground which makes it a favorite place for visitors.
 Bogor Botanical garden pond lotus
In bogor botanical garden there is a suspension bridge that crosses the Ciliwung river. and also there was a museum containing a replica from zoological animals bones  that exist in Indonesia, along with the background of their habitat.
 Suspension bridge Bogor Botanical garden
 Zoology Museum
  Map of Bogor Botanical garden plan
To view a map of Bogor botanical garden tour location please open the following link bogor city tourist map

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