Wednesday, November 19, 2014



Rindu Alam is actually a  Which makes it remarkable is its location. Rindu Alam Puncak is located on the Puncak roadway between Cisarua and Cipanas nearly the border district of Bogor and Cianjur district of West Java province. The location is the highest point of the Puncak roadway is at an altitude of 1443 m, slightly below the Puncak Pass which has an altitude of 1463 m. However, the location of the natural longing to have a very beautiful scenery and outstanding. To the north to the west below Rindu alam are views over the tea plantations and roads snaking peak splitting tea plantations. West side looks mountainside gede pangrango and salak mountain peaks,  south side of the visible scenery Gede & pangarango mountain slopes. North and east side bounded by  scenery Kencana mountain and Mount Luhur.
View larger map on Rindu Alam Puncak 

 Although the actual restaurant but at Rindu Alam there are view points form a fairly wide parking lot. So many people who use the park as a place to enjoy the surrounding scenery. In the courtyard of many merchants selling souvenirs, fruits or vegetables.
If you are hungry you can eat while enjoying the scenery surrounding direstoran amazing. But do not forget the cuisine is quickly eaten because temperatures cold enough to make a quick too cold dishes.

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