Tuesday, May 24, 2011



Ujung Kulon National Park is located in the south western tip of Java island, precisely in Pandeglang district, Banten Province. Ujung Kulon Regions national park have a 1206 km2 area covering an area of ​​land and the sea starts from semananjung Ujung Kulon, Peucang Island Handeuleum and Island.
Ujung Kulon National Park is a wildlife reserve. Some such animals exist only on the Ujung Kulon national park. Like the one-horned rhinos and Javan tigers. Those Animals are main attraction Ujung Kulon National Park. But do not miss, there are also many other animals such as deer, bull, boar, deer, and snakes, lizards and others. Natural beauty of forests and beach are incredible. White sandy beaches, clean and natural and calm waves on the island of Peucang very good for swimming or snorkeling. It's a good place to relax and rest.
To meet with Rhino and Java tiger is not easy. Because of the amount which is not much and their habitats from deep inside the forest of Ujung Kulon.
  Lodging in the Taman jaya
 The author himself traveled about 20 years ago, along the southern coast of Ujung Kulon on foot, from Taman Jaya to the Cibunar, from Cibunar cut into Cidaun then cross to the Peucang island. During the trip had not seen any large animals. Perhaps the animal in fear because we walk in a group of about 13 people. But we were lucky enough to see the herd of herbivorous animals such as bull, a deer in meadows cidaon which was situated just across the island Peucang. The overland journey through a distance of about 38 km applied for leave in the morning and arrive in Cidaun before sunset. It was a pretty exhausting trip. In the trip we meet  a group who had just completed a pilgrimage in the cave Sanghiang sirah .. Cibunar is the estuary of the river is quite clear, there we recharge our water supply.
 River Estuary and shelter Cibunar
On the island we were staying at the inn Peucang available on the island .. Next day morning we swam in the sandy beach of the island Peucang white, clean, clear water and calm waves. By noon we were back crossed to Cidaun and headed for Tanjung Layar. Tanjung layar lighthouse tower  there. We could go up to the tower of the lighthouse to see the sights Ujung Kulon after it returned to Cidaun see herbivore herds in the pasture cidaun. That night we returned to spend the night on the island of Peucang, and the next day back to Labuhan using a motor boat to Labuan.
  Grassland and watchtowers Cidaun

  Peucang Island Beach 

 Cave Sanghiang sirah
 Tanjung layar lighthouse
Map of Ujung Kulon National Park
How to get there`
Although the Ujung Kulon National Park is a very attractive tourist place, but it is unfortunate infrastructure is not well ordered. There are several alternatives to the Ujung Kulon. First using the land route to the town of Labuan. From Labuan can continue the journey by motor boat or by road to Taman Jaya. From this very unfortunate thing started. Road Labuan Taman Jaya conditions are very severe. The last info I heard that after 20 years of road conditions have not changed. While using the boat had to spend hundreds of thousands of Rupiah. Arriving at the Taman Jaya appalling conditions also occur in the existing accommodation, which seems poorly maintained. Similarly, the inn is located on the island Peucang. From Taman Jaya which can be done the journey by walking along the beach of Ujung Kulon until Peucang Island and back with a different route (see map above). It should be remembered for this alternative you have to have a fit body condition and adequate supplies and equipment, because the trip takes several days. Another alternative is from Taman Jaya you can use a motor boat to the Peucang island or the Handeuleum island. But for this alternative you have to spend hundreds of thousands of Rupiah more to rent a motor boat. So the tour to Ujung Kulon is an expensive tourist and cause a lot of tourists who have to think back to visit Ujung Kulon National Park. It's too bad.

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