Sunday, February 20, 2011

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol is a wide and complete maritime tourism area. It is located in capital city of Indonesia, in Jakarta. This park is a favorite tourism destination. There are another facility on this area beside tourism object like hotel, bowling, resort, etc. Visitor are coming not only from the city, also coming from another city even from abroad.
Following are explanation for each object in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.
1. Taman Pantai, Beach park consist of
A. Pantai Festval  Place to relax, sitting around enjoying the beach. There are tend and sail boat for rent. There are also food and souvenir shop and sky lift to enjoy ancol beach from above.

B. Pantai Indah This area good for fishing, jogging trek and food court.
C. Danau ancol Here available speed boat, sail boat, swan boat and some restaurant.
D. Pantai Ria There are replica of vessel crack and jogging track.
E. Pantai Elok this place is next of Pantai Ria with similar condition.
F. Pantai Carnaval Usually for music concert with 6000 people capacity
G. Outbond 
2. Dunia Fantasi / Dufan already discuss, See on previous posting.
3. Ocean dream samudra, Consist of several tourism object
A. Lumba-lumba, Dolphins performance with 2000 visitor capacity

B. Paus putih, White whale performance
C. Singa laut, Sea lion performance
D. Aneka Satwa,  Honey bear, beaver, hippo performance

E. Teater 4 Dimensi, 4 Dimension Theatre
F. Aquarium air Laut,  Sea water Aquarium
G. aquarium air Tawar, fresh water aquarium
H. Ubur-Ubur, Balloon carousel rides
I. Boto-boto, Mini air plane carousel rides
J. Laga lagon, bumper car

K. Swimming with dolphin, swim with dolphin
L. Rumah pintar, Library
3. Atlantis consit of
A. Kolam Luncur Octopus, Sliding from 14 m height
B. Kolam Riam Jeram, Sliding from top pool with 14 m high with special rubber rider
CKolam Kiddy, pool for kid
D. Kolam Tanding Olimpic, Olympic pool
E. Kolam Rainbow Ball, pool that equipped with floating small ball
F. Kolam Ombak Poseidon, wave pool
G. Kolam Arus Parit Aantilla, pool with death sea sensation
4. Pasar Seni, art gallery and sale
5. Sea World, Giant sea Aquarium  that visitor watch from tunnel below the aquarium.
6. Gondola, sky lift
7. Hailai, executive club
8. Bowling,
9. Ancol art academy, place for learn art
10. Paintball, war games with special gun that loaded with paint ball bullet.

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